End Your Search for a Bankruptcy Law Firm
Blalock Law Offices can represent you in Greensboro & Burlington, NC
Need a bankruptcy attorney? Blalock Law Offices, P.A. in Greensboro, NC counsels and advocates for people in the Greensboro, High Point, Burlington, and Asheboro areas of North Carolina. We're proud to be a firm that can help you when others have told you it's already too late. Whether you have personal or small business debts, our firm can advise you on a course of action and handle each step of the bankruptcy process.
Contact our bankruptcy law firm now if you need a local attorney to help you obtain credit card debt relief.
Focusing on personalized service
There are many bankruptcy law firms for you to choose from. However, most firms offer bankruptcy services as one of many practice areas. We only focus on bankruptcy and other financial legal matters to stay honed in on our clients. We provide:
- Help at the last minute-you can turn to us for situations that other attorneys may think are too far gone
- Individualized counseling-we commit ourselves to providing personal service in a one-on-one setting
- Innovative solutions-attorney Blalock served as an attorney for creditors and uses this experience to better serve his clients
Whether you need assistance with a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or a small business bankruptcy, attorney Blalock can represent you. Call 336-274-2343 today for a free 30-minute consultation.
Providing bankruptcy support and guidance when you need it
Bankruptcy is our sole focus at Blalock Law Offices. This means we provide counsel for all aspects of the bankruptcy process for individual and small business bankruptcies. Attorney Blalock has over 16 years of experience and will help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy He'll also guide you through everything from means testing to creditor harassment issues. With this deep understanding, you can eliminate some of your financial anxiety.